An angel investor's take on life and business

Ohalo: Taking Food Costs to 0



Over a billion people live on less than 1,500 calories a day. But David Friedberg’s new startup, Ohalo, could change that forever.

Friedberg announced Ohalo’s breakthrough in plant breeding on the latest episode of The All-In Podcast. Ohalo could massively increase crop yields, lower food prices, and help the poor.

Ohalo’s Breakthrough

Like humans, plants have a mother and a father. The child has a random assortment of genes from both parents, just like humans do. (That’s why human siblings don’t all look the same.)

Let’s say the father plant is heat tolerant and the mother is disease resistant. The child might be heat tolerant but not resistant to disease.

What Ohalo has done is use gene editing to make the child inherit all the genes of both parents. So, the child will be both heat tolerant and disease resistant.

A Massive Opportunity

Ohalo’s early results are mindblowing.

The company’s researchers took two potato plants that produced 33g and 9g of potatoes, respectively, and bred them with Ohalo’s technology. The child plant produced a whopping 682g of potatoes!

Keep in mind, these are just the early tests. What if by 2030, that potato plant is yielding 1000g, or 5000?

Potatoes are just Ohalo’s first market. They plan to expand to every crop in the world.

Pin-point control over plant genes could drive food costs toward zero and yields sky high.

Hundreds of millions of people could get the food they need. And farmers could still prosper by selling huge volumes at low prices.

Will Francis Finally Invest in Deep Tech?

I never invest in deep tech. But I’d invest in Ohalo in a second.

This company presents a giant opportunity: solving hunger and dramatically lowering food costs. They’ve made incredible progress toward that goal.

If Ohalo succeeds, it could be worth $100 billion, $1 trillion, who knows?

I love investing in great SaaS companies. But most can’t reach $10 billion, $100 billion, or certainly $1 trillion.

They’re solving important problems, but the problems just aren’t big enough to produce outcomes like that.

If you want the massive returns, you have to solve a massive problem.

What’s more, Friedberg has an incredible track record — he sold his last company to Monsanto for $1 billion.

Deep tech usually isn’t my thing. I don’t know much about science. But I know a huge opportunity, great results and an awesome founder when I see them.

Ohalo will be a tough nut to crack. But if I’m lucky, I might be able to get in through my membership in the All-In Podcast syndicate.

To be continued…


When I heard about Ohalo’s breakthrough on All-In last night, I was dumbfounded. The potential of this company is limitless.

I imagine a future where everyone has the food they need. That’s a world I want to live in.

And if I get my beak wet as well, all’s the better!

What do you think of Ohalo? Leave a comment and let us know!

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