An angel investor's take on life and business

The Berkshire Annual Meeting in Five Days: Day 2


“You’re entering the best world that’s ever existed…”

Warren Buffett

Warren sits on stage, flanked by men he respects and loves working with. From that perch, he gives out priceless advice on investing and life.

Today, I dug into the third hour of the Berkshire Hathaway annual meeting. Warren tells us his views on investing in India, working with great people, and living a meaningful life.

Let’s dig in!

Sticking to What Works

Warren sticks to what he knows: investing in the US, Canada, and a few other countries.

One shareholder asked him about opportunities in India. While Warren is clear that India has enormous potential, he asks a critical question:

“The question is do we have any advantage…”

The situation for me in venture is exactly the same.

There are fantastic startups in India, Nigeria, China and many other places. But there are excellent investors in those regions who know the market and meet the great founders before I do.

How would I have any advantage?

Working With People You Respect

“I told Charlie in the last few years, ‘I’d never seen anyone who was peaking at 99’.”

Warren’s admiration for Charlie Munger is palpable. But what I found fascinating is that it extends to everyone he works with.

When you see Vice Chairs Greg Abel or Ajit Jain take a question, Warren looks at them with a wonderful expression.

He admires them. Indeed, I think he loves them.

When you spend that much time together with great people, it can happen! In both business and his personal life, Warren works hard to surround himself with good people:

“If you get that in your life, you cherish those people, and you sort of forget about the rest.”

We’re all going to deal with folks that are difficult sometimes. But having those wonderful people around you is all that matters — and we can forget about the rest!

Advice for Life

Charlie’s advice was to “invert, always invert.” Warren applies that to how to live a good life.

“I would try to…figure out how you want to look back on your life and think about yourself and start today to go on the path that leads to that goal. And expect some difficulties along the way, but if you’re thinking that way, you’re more likely to get there.”

At 93, Warren has seen more of life than most. And I find his life enviable.

He does what he wants all day, finds it super interesting, and never wants to stop. And, sure, most of us wouldn’t mind having $136 billion.

I want to have interesting work that creates something great, and nice people around me. So each day, I work toward that.

Speaking of which, I have to get to a meeting with a founder! Better wrap this up…


Warren sticks to what he does well and does it with people he admires. I can’t think of a better way to spend your days!

Focusing on the great people around us and letting the rest go — that’s the best way to spend however much time we have.

Pop in tomorrow for Day 3 of the Berkshire Annual Meeting!

What have you learned from Warren? Leave a comment and let us know!

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More on investing:

The Berkshire Annual Meeting in Five Days: Day 1

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